Munca prelungita in pozitia ortostatica pe suprafete dure produce oboseala si creste riscul aparitiei afectiunilor musculo-scheletale si ale sistemului circulator. Acest lucru se intampla datorita presiunii pe care sistemul musculo-scheletal o suporta.

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Scaunele ergonomice industriale sunt proiectate sa faciliteze o pozitie corecta de lucru pe scaun pentru a preveni posibilele accidente profesionale si afectiuni ale spatelui, gatului, umerilor sau mainilor, oferind in acelasi timp soliditate si rezistenta in timp.

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Scaunele ergonomice BQE va ajuta sa preveniti mialgii, ischemii si necroze musculare, hernierea si degenerarea discurilor vertebrale si alte tipuri de afectiuni musculo-scheletale, educandu-va totodata in asumarea permanenta a unei posturi sanatoase.

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Energize Your Team with Every Step

Step up your team’s game plan with Rejuvenator – a tough-skinned, ergonomic flooring surface that helps your team stand stronger, longer. Its super-resilient urethane foam delivers a slight spring in every step to reduce stress on your team’s legs, feet and lower backs while the thick outer skin guards against wear.

This is the ultimate ergonomic playing field for teams competing at the highest levels against the world’s best! Give your team a competitive advantage with Rejuvenator flooring, runners and workstation mats.

  • Exceptional comfort
  • Customizable in 1‘ (foot) increments to fit any floor size
  • Virtually indestructible
  • Replace single pieces or sections as needed to reduce costs
  • Puncture resistant
  • Positive Interlocking system prevents separation
  • Available in modular or out-of-the-box solutions


503 Domed

502 Squared


2’ x 5’ and 3’ x 5’ sizes are available in ends and centers to create ergonomic runners of infinite length.

Need a longer runner?

Simply add more center mats for unlimited length!

The molded-in ramps reduce installation time and costs!

WorkStation Mats

Standard sized workstation mats are available in both the 502 Squared and 503 Domed styles. A simple, out of the box solution with built in bevels and long lasting performance!