Munca prelungita in pozitia ortostatica pe suprafete dure produce oboseala si creste riscul aparitiei afectiunilor musculo-scheletale si ale sistemului circulator. Acest lucru se intampla datorita presiunii pe care sistemul musculo-scheletal o suporta.

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Scaunele ergonomice industriale sunt proiectate sa faciliteze o pozitie corecta de lucru pe scaun pentru a preveni posibilele accidente profesionale si afectiuni ale spatelui, gatului, umerilor sau mainilor, oferind in acelasi timp soliditate si rezistenta in timp.

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Scaunele ergonomice BQE va ajuta sa preveniti mialgii, ischemii si necroze musculare, hernierea si degenerarea discurilor vertebrale si alte tipuri de afectiuni musculo-scheletale, educandu-va totodata in asumarea permanenta a unei posturi sanatoase.

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SMART Diamond Plate

SMART Diamond Plate  1
  • SMART Diamond Plate  1
  • SMART Diamond Plate  2
  • SMART Diamond Plate  3
  • SMART Diamond Plate  4
  • SMART Diamond Plate  5
  • SMART Diamond Plate  6
  • SMART Diamond Plate  7
SMART Diamond Plate took the matting world by storm when we introduced it in 2009 [during the depths of the Great Recession, no less], and it is now one of our most popular sellers! How did this happen? To paraphrase the old Spike Lee commercial… “It Must Be the Sponge!” SMART’S 100% recycled Urethane composite sponge combines economy and ecology like no other ergonomic matting product. And at a price point that no other laminated diamond plate mat can touch! SMART offers a dynamic combination of resilience, durability, and aesthetics that makes it a fan favorite. It is an MVP with an unbeatable reputation for performing best under pressure and in big-game situations. SMART Diamond Plate is just what you need in today’s challenging workplace.

  • “Good” sponge base
  • Up to 80% recycled content
  • Economical
  • Available in 5/8” (16 mm) and 1” (26 mm) thick
Specificatii Generale
Mediu Uscat
TipCovor Anti-Oboseala
Nivel de PersonalizareC1 - Personalizare pentru Lungime
CompozitieBurete din Uretan Reciclat cu Suprafata din PVC
Garantie1 An
Cod Produs Descriere Culoare Grosime Marime UOM
497.1x2x3BK Smart Diamond Plate UltraSoft Negru 1 2' x 3' EA
497.1x2x3BYL Smart Diamond Plate UltraSoft Negru cu Margini Galbene 1 2' x 3' EA
497.1x3x5BK Smart Diamond Plate UltraSoft Negru 1 3' x 5' EA
497.1x3x5BYL Smart Diamond Plate UltraSoft Negru cu Margini Galbene 1 3' x 5' EA
497.58x2x3BK Smart Diamond Plate Negru 5/8 2' x 3' EA
497.58x2x3BYL Smart Diamond Plate Negru cu Margini Galbene 5/8 2' x 3' EA
497.58x2x75BK Smart Diamond Plate Negru 5/8 2' x 75' RL
497.58x2x75BYL Smart Diamond Plate Negru cu Margini Galbene 5/8 2' x 75' RL
497.58x3x5BK Smart Diamond Plate Negru 5/8 3' x 5' EA
497.58x3x5BYL Smart Diamond Plate Negru cu Margini Galbene 5/8 3' x 5' EA
497.58x3x75BK Smart Diamond Plate Negru 5/8 3' x 75' RL
497.58x3x75BYL Smart Diamond Plate Negru cu Margini Galbene 5/8 3' x 75' RL
497.1x2CUTBK Smart Diamond Plate UltraSoft Negru 1 2' Cut up to 75' SF
497.1x2CUTBYL Smart Diamond Plate UltraSoft Negru cu Margini Galbene 1 2' Cut up to 75' SF
497.1x2x75BK Smart Diamond Plate UltraSoft Negru 1 2' x 75' RL
497.1x2x75BYL Smart Diamond Plate UltraSoft Negru cu Margini Galbene 1 2' x 75' RL
497.1x3CUTBK Smart Diamond Plate UltraSoft Negru 1 3' Cut up to 75' SF
497.1x3CUTBYL Smart Diamond Plate UltraSoft Negru cu Margini Galbene 1 3' Cut up to 75' SF
497.1x3x75BK Smart Diamond Plate UltraSoft Negru 1 3' x 75' RL
497.1x3x75BYL Smart Diamond Plate UltraSoft Negru cu Margini Galbene 1 3' x 75' RL
497.1x4CUTBK Smart Diamond Plate UltraSoft Negru 1 4' Cut up to 75' SF
497.1x4CUTBYL Smart Diamond Plate UltraSoft Negru cu Margini Galbene 1 4' Cut up to 75' SF
497.1x4x75BK Smart Diamond Plate UltraSoft Negru 1 4' x 75' RL
497.1x4x75BYL Smart Diamond Plate UltraSoft Negru cu Margini Galbene 1 4' x 75' RL
497.58x2CUTBK Smart Diamond Plate Negru 5/8 2' Cut up to 75' SF
497.58x2CUTBYL Smart Diamond Plate Negru cu Margini Galbene 5/8 2' Cut up to 75' SF
497.58x3CUTBK Smart Diamond Plate Negru 5/8 3' Cut up to 75' SF
497.58x3CUTBYL Smart Diamond Plate Negru cu Margini Galbene 5/8 3' Cut up to 75' SF
497.58x4CUTBK Smart Diamond Plate Negru 5/8 4' Cut up to 75' SF
497.58x4CUTBYL Smart Diamond Plate Negru cu Margini Galbene 5/8 4' Cut up to 75' SF
497.58x4x75BK Smart Diamond Plate Negru 5/8 4' x 75' RL
497.58x4x75BYL Smart Diamond Plate Negru cu Margini Galbene 5/8 4' x 75' RL
Specificatii Teste si Rezultate
Proprietatea Test/ Rezultat
Rezistenta la Foc MVSS 302 / 'A'; Rating
Abraziunea Federal Standard 191 / 1000g, CS-17 wheel
Domeniu de Temperatura -10 to 120 F
Coeficientul de Frictiune ASTM F1677 / Dry: COF = .68 / Wet: COF = .17
Coeficientul de Compresie ASTM D395-98 / 20%
Rezistenta la Sfasiere Indisponibil
Evaluare ESD Indisponibil
Rigiditate Dielectrica Indisponibil


  • A = Performanta Buna
  •  B = Putin Afectat
  •  C = Afectat Moderat
  • D = Puternic Afectat
  •  U = Nerecomandat
  •  NT = Netestat
Substanta ChimicaUretanNitrilPVCCauciuc Rezistent la Lichide de TaiereCauciuc SBRCauciuc Natural
Acetona U U U C C C
Grasimi Animale NT A C U U U
Solutie Marina (Diluata 10%) NT B B C C C
Acid Boric B A A A A A
Lichid de Frana U A B D D D
Lichid de Frana (Pe Baza de Silicon) U A B A B B
Solutie de Clor (Diluata 3%) C A B C C C
Acid Citric NT A C C C U
Lichide de Taiere Pe Baza de Uleiuri Minerale U B B B C D
Ulei Diesel U A B U U U
Acetat de Etilena NT U NT U U U
Etilenglicol B A A A A A
Ulei Hidraulic U A B D D D
Acid Hidrocloric (Diluat 37%) U C C B B B
Alcool Isopropilic A B A B B A
Solventi pentru Lacuri U U U U U U
Lindol (Lichid Hidraulic) NT U NT U U U
Ulei Mineral C A B A B U
Naptha NT C U U U U
Naftalina U U U U U U
Petrol U C B D D D
Apa Sarata A A B B B C
Toluen U U U U U U
Lichid de Transmisie (Tip A) U B A C U U
Tricloretan U U U U U U
Ulei Vegetal C A B C C C