Munca prelungita in pozitia ortostatica pe suprafete dure produce oboseala si creste riscul aparitiei afectiunilor musculo-scheletale si ale sistemului circulator. Acest lucru se intampla datorita presiunii pe care sistemul musculo-scheletal o suporta.

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Scaunele ergonomice industriale sunt proiectate sa faciliteze o pozitie corecta de lucru pe scaun pentru a preveni posibilele accidente profesionale si afectiuni ale spatelui, gatului, umerilor sau mainilor, oferind in acelasi timp soliditate si rezistenta in timp.

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Scaunele ergonomice BQE va ajuta sa preveniti mialgii, ischemii si necroze musculare, hernierea si degenerarea discurilor vertebrale si alte tipuri de afectiuni musculo-scheletale, educandu-va totodata in asumarea permanenta a unei posturi sanatoase.

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Hard Floor Protector

If your office space has hard wood floors, ceramic tile floors or expensive marble floors, you will probably want to do what you can to protect them from being scratched or scuffed up by your office chair. Chairs with rubber wheels can leave dirty black scuff marks on the surface of your floor. Chairs without wheels can actually dig in to the flooring material and cause serious damage. A floor protector made out of plastic, rubber or a low-nap carpet material is an easy way to protect the area under and around your desk where your chair or the bottom of your shoes tends to mark up the floor. The mats or floor protectors have a non slip surface on one side to keep them from sliding. The top of the protector is smooth and allows the wheels of the chair to roll with ease. Floor protectors are made of very durable materials, easy to clean and simple to install. Place your chair on the mat and you can feel confident that your floor will be protected when you sit down to work.