Munca prelungita in pozitia ortostatica pe suprafete dure produce oboseala si creste riscul aparitiei afectiunilor musculo-scheletale si ale sistemului circulator. Acest lucru se intampla datorita presiunii pe care sistemul musculo-scheletal o suporta.

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Scaunele ergonomice industriale sunt proiectate sa faciliteze o pozitie corecta de lucru pe scaun pentru a preveni posibilele accidente profesionale si afectiuni ale spatelui, gatului, umerilor sau mainilor, oferind in acelasi timp soliditate si rezistenta in timp.

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Scaunele ergonomice BQE va ajuta sa preveniti mialgii, ischemii si necroze musculare, hernierea si degenerarea discurilor vertebrale si alte tipuri de afectiuni musculo-scheletale, educandu-va totodata in asumarea permanenta a unei posturi sanatoase.

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Often, people forget that they need to protect more than just their furniture and carpets. Instead, they also need to protect their flooring too. The best way to go about this is to invest in anti slip mats to keep rugs in place and to help people who have slippery floors. Additionally, it is important to be smart about the types of mats one has, too. The right protection or accessories ensures that the floor will not have a lot of scratches or marks on it, which in turn will keep the space safe and sound for quite some time.