Munca prelungita in pozitia ortostatica pe suprafete dure produce oboseala si creste riscul aparitiei afectiunilor musculo-scheletale si ale sistemului circulator. Acest lucru se intampla datorita presiunii pe care sistemul musculo-scheletal o suporta.

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Scaunele ergonomice industriale sunt proiectate sa faciliteze o pozitie corecta de lucru pe scaun pentru a preveni posibilele accidente profesionale si afectiuni ale spatelui, gatului, umerilor sau mainilor, oferind in acelasi timp soliditate si rezistenta in timp.

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Scaunele ergonomice BQE va ajuta sa preveniti mialgii, ischemii si necroze musculare, hernierea si degenerarea discurilor vertebrale si alte tipuri de afectiuni musculo-scheletale, educandu-va totodata in asumarea permanenta a unei posturi sanatoase.

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Electrically Conductive Diamond-Plate

Electrically Conductive Diamond-Plate 1
  • Electrically Conductive Diamond-Plate 1
  • Electrically Conductive Diamond-Plate 2
  • Electrically Conductive Diamond-Plate 3
  • Electrically Conductive Diamond-Plate 4
Electrically Conductive Anti-Fatigue is our #1 seller year in and year out for static control applications. Perhaps it’s because the mat so effectively protects sensitive equipment while dramatically reducing standing fatigue. Or perhaps it’s because the mat is so remarkably durable and features our top of the line Nitricell sponge. Or maybe it’s that Electrically Conductive Anti-Fatigue outlasts and outperforms every copycat mat [yes, Wearwell came first], providing the best long-term value for ESD applications. Whatever the reason, you can rest assured that this mat will always live up to high expectations…like any seasoned All-Pro player. It’s a winner!

  • "Best" sponge base
  • Nitricell sponge base delivers 2X the resilience and 3X the life of typical sponges
  • Lay-flat design and up to 20% more standing area than look-alikes
  • Overall thickness, Standard 9/16” (14 mm) or UltraSoft 15/16” (24 mm)
  • Grounding snap is attached to the corner of each mat (NOTE: Mat must be grounded with a ground cord; workers must wear Heel Grounder or shoes with conductive soles)
Specificatii Generale
Mediu Uscat
TipCovor Anti-Oboseala
Nivel de PersonalizareC3 - Personalizare Completa (Lungime, Latime, Forma)
CompozitieBurete cu Amestec din Cauciuc Nitril cu Suprafata din PVC
Garantie4 Ani
Cod Produs Descriere Culoare Grosime Marime UOM
786.1516x2x3DPBK UltraSoft Electrically Conductive Anti-Fatigue Diamond-Plate Negru 15/16 2' x 3' EA
786.1516x3x5DPBK UltraSoft Electrically Conductive Anti-Fatigue Diamond-Plate Negru 15/16 3' x 5' EA
786.916x2x3DPBK Electrically Conductive Anti-Fatigue Diamond-Plate Negru 9/16 2' x 3' EA
786.916x3x5DPBK Electrically Conductive Anti-Fatigue Diamond-Plate Negru 9/16 3' x 5' EA
786.1516x3CUTDPBK UltraSoft Electrically Conductive Anti-Fatigue Diamond-Plate Negru 15/16 3' Cut up to 75' SF
786.1516x3x75DPBK UltraSoft Electrically Conductive Anti-Fatigue Diamond-Plate Negru 15/16 3' x 75' RL
786.1516x4CUTDPBK UltraSoft Electrically Conductive Anti-Fatigue Diamond-Plate Negru 15/16 4' Cut up to 75' SF
786.916x3CUTDPBK Electrically Conductive Anti-Fatigue Diamond-Plate Negru 9/16 3' Cut up to 75' SF
786.916x3x75DPBK Electrically Conductive Anti-Fatigue Diamond-Plate Negru 9/16 3' x 75' RL
786.916x4CUTDPBK Electrically Conductive Anti-Fatigue Diamond-Plate Negru 9/16 4' Cut up to 75' SF
786.916x4x75DPBK Electrically Conductive Anti-Fatigue Diamond-Plate Negru 9/16 4' x 75' RL

Auxiliare si Accesorii

Cod Produs Descriere Culoare Grosime Marime UOM
793.HG Heel Grounder Negru 1/8 N/A EA
793.15Cord 15' Cord Negru 1/2 15' EA
Specificatii Teste si Rezultate
Proprietatea Test/ Rezultat
Rezistenta la Foc MVSS 302 / 'A'; Rating
Abraziunea Federal Standard 191 / 1000g, CS-17 wheel
Domeniu de Temperatura -10 to 130 F
Coeficientul de Frictiune ASTM F1677 / Dry: COF = .90
Coeficientul de Compresie ASTM D575 / Deflection @35 psi, mm=8.43
Rezistenta la Sfasiere Indisponibil
Evaluare ESD EOS/ESD S7.1: 3 x 10^4 to 5 x 10^5, RTG = 3 x 10^4 to 5 x 10^5
Rigiditate Dielectrica Indisponibil


  • A = Performanta Buna
  •  B = Putin Afectat
  •  C = Afectat Moderat
  • D = Puternic Afectat
  •  U = Nerecomandat
  •  NT = Netestat
Substanta ChimicaUretanNitrilPVCCauciuc Rezistent la Lichide de TaiereCauciuc SBRCauciuc Natural
Acetona U U U C C C
Grasimi Animale NT A C U U U
Solutie Marina (Diluata 10%) NT B B C C C
Acid Boric B A A A A A
Lichid de Frana U A B D D D
Lichid de Frana (Pe Baza de Silicon) U A B A B B
Solutie de Clor (Diluata 3%) C A B C C C
Acid Citric NT A C C C U
Lichide de Taiere Pe Baza de Uleiuri Minerale U B B B C D
Ulei Diesel U A B U U U
Acetat de Etilena NT U NT U U U
Etilenglicol B A A A A A
Ulei Hidraulic U A B D D D
Acid Hidrocloric (Diluat 37%) U C C B B B
Alcool Isopropilic A B A B B A
Solventi pentru Lacuri U U U U U U
Lindol (Lichid Hidraulic) NT U NT U U U
Ulei Mineral C A B A B U
Naptha NT C U U U U
Naftalina U U U U U U
Petrol U C B D D D
Apa Sarata A A B B B C
Toluen U U U U U U
Lichid de Transmisie (Tip A) U B A C U U
Tricloretan U U U U U U
Ulei Vegetal C A B C C C